The architecture revolution

Rapid change and complexity are norms, and innovation is the fuel in the technology industry. Today’s revolutions – including cloud, as-a-service, social media, and the Internet of Things – will soon be followed by new innovations.

At Grant Thornton, we will work with you to capitalize on all the opportunities and to manage the inherent risks the industry has to offer, helping you stay one step ahead.

Why Grant Thornton?

Whether your goal is to enter new markets, scale your operations, manage costs, find funding, or comply with regulations, we have the insight and experienced judgment to help you succeed.

We’ll listen closely to your needs so we can develop solutions tailored to you. Our forward-thinking teams keep abreast of developments as new technologies are introduced and evolve. They can provide you with early insights into emerging issues that innovative companies face, including managing intellectual capital, executing mergers and acquisitions, and understanding the complex tax environment.

We can also help you identify and manage risk and compliance needs as regulatory and policy environments evolve globally to keep pace with technological innovation.

If you have ambitions to take your business public or engage in M&A, we’ll support you through the process across major stock exchanges, smaller markets, and with strategic acquirers so you can find your path.


The telecommunications industry is capital-intensive, with operators investing heavily in licenses and network infrastructure. Deregulation, increased competition, and technological advances characterize the industry. Operators have responded by offering complex bundled arrangements to customers through a range of different distribution channels, and by investing in the acquisition and retention of customers.

Recognizing that this industry is highly specialized, we at Grant Thornton have established a network of global professionals to provide a full range of services to this industry.