The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship-by-Investment Act was passed by Parliament on March 28, 2013, allowing foreign nationals (along with their spouse, dependent children (up to age 30) and their future spouses, unmarried siblings, parents and grandparents (over the age of 55 years) to acquire citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda following certain levels of investment. Investors can apply for citizenship and a passport within the strict guidelines of the relevant laws and regulations.  Certain dependents can also be added post-approval.

To qualify for citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda under its Citizenship by Investment Program, the investment options are (1) an investment in designated real estate with a value of at least US$325,000 plus payment of various registration and other fees; two related parties can make a joint investment, with each applicant investing a minimum of US$325,000 in order to qualify OR the purchase of a unit at the minimum full purchase price of US$325,000, (the Real-Estate Option) or (2) a contribution to the National Development Fund for a minimum amount of US$230,000 for a family of up to four persons, which increases to US$245,000 for a family of five or more (the NDF Contribution Option) (3), an individual can make an investment in an approved business of at least US$1,500,000 or at least two persons can make a joint investment in such an approved business, totaling at least US$5,000,000, with each of those persons individually contributing at least US$400,000 to the joint investment (the Business Investment Option). (4) New! An investment in the University of the West Indies Fund for a minimum amount of US$300,000, for a family of six or more (the “UWI Fund Option”).

Recent articles: Case Study, Robert Wilkinson - IFC Citizenship Article, April 2015 [ 641 kb ] [ 641 kb ]

If you would like to learn more about our citizenship services, please feel free to contact Edward Fisher at We look forward to assisting you in achieving your citizenship goals.